Application & Interface Engineering
- Business process-oriented software development
- Technical expertise with a high degree of specialization
- Understanding of processes and data as well as their interfaces to each other
- Interdisciplinary work
- Ability to work in a team
Application & Interface Engineering (AIE) mainly deals with the development and enhancement of software applications related to business processes. This includes frontend and backend development of internally and externally available websites and webshop presences as well as customizing our company-wide CRM, PLM, IAM and ERP applications. Another area of responsibility includes networking the applications and systems used at Fronius via a central middleware architecture. This is complemented by responsibility for the company-wide software development standard and the closely related Atlassian toolchain.
In addition to the location in Wels, AIE teams can also be found at the Fronius locations in Vienna and Gliwice (Poland) and support requirements coming from all over the world from there.